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Re: [Strawbale] Which of the Houses is made of Straw?

Those photos I asked you to help me with from the SBAN web page are for
Rikki and Maren't book...so we should probably give this priority after #53.
So much to do...so little time! But I want to help them as much as possible.


on 3.13.2006 3:24 PM, Rikki Nitzkin at rikkinitzkin@earthlink... wrote:

> Hi All!
> As some of you may already know, Maren Termens and I  are finishing up a
> book about Strawbale Construction (written in Spanish).  One of our ideas
> is to include at the very beginning of the book a page of fotos whith
> Strawbale Houses that don?t look like Strawbale houses--or other
> interesting and unusual SB structures.  The Caption on this page will be
> "Which of these Buildings is Made with Straw?"; on the next page the
> answer:  all of them.
> Most of the images we have at the moment are taken off various web-pages
> and are of very low quality.  We don?t have any information about who
> built/owns or photographed most of these houses either.  So we want to know:
> -If you recognize any of the structures and would like us to include
> information about it (who, where, how, etc) in the book, send us a breif
> descrption (let us know which house by row # and pic. #--top to bottom,
> right to left)
> -If you don?t want us to include any of these pictures in the book, let us
> know.
> -If you have any high quality versions of these fotos (or others we don?t
> have) we would love to have them!
> Thanks in advance!
> Rikki Nitzkin
> rikkinitzkin@earthlink...
> Red de Construcci?n con Balas de Paja/ Spanish Strawbale Network
> "Tenemos el Derecho y Responsabilidad de Crear el Mundo en que Queremos
> Vivir"
> "We Have the Right and Responsability to Create the World we Want to Live
> in"
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