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Re: [Strawbale] Which of the Houses is made of Straw?

hi rikki

the image first left on the second row was built by the french strawbale
builder pascal thépaut and is in brittany. if you need more info i can have
a search amongst my books.

good luck with your book project,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rikki Nitzkin" <rikkinitzkin@earthlink...>
To: "Strawbale Listserve" <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:24 PM
Subject: [Strawbale] Which of the Houses is made of Straw?

> Hi All!
> As some of you may already know, Maren Termens and I  are finishing up a
> book about Strawbale Construction (written in Spanish).  One of our ideas
> is to include at the very beginning of the book a page of fotos whith
> Strawbale Houses that don´t look like Strawbale houses--or other
> interesting and unusual SB structures.  The Caption on this page will be
> "Which of these Buildings is Made with Straw?"; on the next page the
> answer:  all of them.
> Most of the images we have at the moment are taken off various web-pages
> and are of very low quality.  We don´t have any information about who
> built/owns or photographed most of these houses either.  So we want to
> -If you recognize any of the structures and would like us to include
> information about it (who, where, how, etc) in the book, send us a breif
> descrption (let us know which house by row # and pic. #--top to bottom,
> right to left)
> -If you don´t want us to include any of these pictures in the book, let us
> know.
> -If you have any high quality versions of these fotos (or others we don´t
> have) we would love to have them!
> Thanks in advance!
> Rikki Nitzkin
> rikkinitzkin@earthlink...
> Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja/ Spanish Strawbale Network
> "Tenemos el Derecho y Responsabilidad de Crear el Mundo en que Queremos
> Vivir"
> "We Have the Right and Responsability to Create the World we Want to Live
> in"


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