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Re: [Strawbale] straw bale bulletin email

Yes.  Good idea.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duncan Lithgow" <duncan@lithgow-schmidt...>
To: "European strawbale building discussions" <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>; 
<Strawbale@listserv....org>; <SB-r-us@yahoogroups...>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 1:11 PM
Subject: [Strawbale] straw bale bulletin email

| I'm making this look a bit formal as I want to gauge peoples real
| opinion on it. Please say yes or no if you have an opinion, I'd rather
| people say 'no' if they can't see the point of it or wouldn't bother
| sending things to it. It would save me some time and it's never good
| starting something which turns out to be a waste of energy.
| This idea has been met with great support on the GSBN list (archive:
| http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/GSBN-Greenbuilder/ ). I've (Duncan
| Lithgow) offered to carry it for a year with support from Rene Dalmeijer
| So, good people of SB world, let's hear what you think.
| Duncan
| PS: I'm still looking for a non commercial host for the list, preferably
| with the Mailman software.
| == What is it? ==
| An email sent out once a month (fortnight/week depending on interest and
| volume). The email contains whatever supporters would like other SB'ers
| to know about.
| == Why do it? ==
| Not everyone wants to spend ages reading discussions on several lists,
| but some of them would still quite like to know what is going on in SB
| world.
| The other reason is that much can be gained from some overarching
| projects. The Last Straw is the main journal of the SB world, this would
| be like the electronic noticeboard of the SB world.
| == How would it work? ==
| In short:
| 1. anyone, subscribed or not, sends their notices to the list.
| 2. once a month the editor(s) forms the notices into one email and this
| is sent out to anyone subscribed.
| Technically it would be an email list, functionally it is a one way
| announcement list sent out to anyone who is subscribed to the list.
| There would be no discussions on the list (except between editors). The
| editor(s) would clean up what they've been sent and send it out as a
| bulletin. Anyone especially interested in what is being sent to the
| editors for 'consideration' (almost everything would go through) could
| take a look at the public archive of 'submissions'.
| == When does this happen? ==
| I suggest this list give it a yes/no by the 14th March. If the answer is
| yes, we ask for comment from all the lists we know of, and I'll take it
| from there.
| Duncan
| == An example of this electronic bulletin thing ==
| ---------------------
| If you have something you'd like included send a short summary, a title
| and link to: sb-announcements@whosedomain...
| Editors note: We would really love to hear more about xyz type projects,
| please let us know.
| On the March noticeboard:
| 1. Technical Issues
| 2. Learning Resources
| 3. What's on Worldwide
| = 1. Technical issues =
| == New German moisture report ==
| The good people at the german sb association tell us that they have just
| finished a report called 'What about spilt beer?' looking at the impact
| of drunken parties on the health of Straw Bale walls.
| <http://munich-beer-festival/archive/straw-bale-parties.html>
| == My house burn down! ==
| "Sadly my unfinished house has burnt down as it was left unplastered. I,
| Paul the Pyromaniachs describe in this article how the fire took hold
| and how to avoid it happening to you."
| <http://pyro-paul/my-house-is-gone.pdf>
| = 2. Learning Resources =
| == The Last Straw ==
| "TLS is happy to announce that the CD of back issues is finished. If
| you've ordered one you should get it soon. If you don't know what this
| is about then come and visit the website."
| <http://tls.com/resources/backcatalogue-on-cd.html>
| == Wikibook on Straw Bale Construction updated ==
| "The wikibook team has just finished revising the section on
| foundations. Now we're looking for input on the Roofing Options section.
| Check it out and lend a hand."
| <http://wikibooks.org/Straw_Bale_Construction>
| = 3. What's on =
| == Hands for knowledge site updated ==
| "Well another summer is approaching and we've got lots of people looking
| for volunteers to help with their houses. Come and see if there's
| something you'd like to be part of." (Europe only)
| <http:/you get the idea
| -- 
| Linux user #372812, GPG Encryption Key ID 21A8C63A, available on
| Jabber/GoogleTalk, msn and yahoo with the help of Gaim. Yes - a nerd.
| ____________________________________________________
|    European strawbale building discussion list
| Send all messages to:
| Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
| Archives, subscription options, etc:
| http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
| ____________________________________________________