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Re: [Strawbale] Re: SB house threatened in AndalucÃa - Spanish SB houses?

Hi Rikki,

Heidi Snel made a DVD of a strawbale fire testing in Germany.
You can order it on her website. (The title is Stroh im Kopf -she also sells an Engish version of it))

She also made some snapshots of this test and has put them here : http://www.oekofilm.de/inhalte/filme/brandschutz.htm

I have uploaded 3 other tests to my webserver. You can download them until the 13th of March (!) The ones of Austria are in German. I hope youÂll find someone to translate them if necessary. Otherwise you can Skype or call (see end of page) me, and IÂll help you out (my nickname on Skype is : benjelli)

US : STRAW BALE FIRE SAFETY - A review of testing and experience to date - July 30, 2003


Austria : certificate of a firetest and research on the fireresistance of a strawbale wall :


Austria : another test, but the the testing was done on strawbales, not a wall :


Good luck !

Ben Albu

Ben Albu
St Jansbergsesteenweg 101
3001 Heverlee

0032 476 57 53 20
