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Re: [Strawbale] Re: Strawbale Digest, Vol 4, Issue 9

> At 05:46 AM 1/17/2006, you wrote:
>> ..........I am looking for a collegue in Italy, who is willing and able to
>> give
>> help to a lady from the Netherland that wishes to build two 50 m2
>> strawbale houses in Italy.
>> I dont have any idea about the legal procedure of building with straw in
>> this country and hope to find someone who can help my client and lead
>> her through the planning and building process.
>> Cheers, Harald Wedig
> Hello Harald --
> I know that Werner Schmidt has designed/built two (or more?) straw-bale
> homes in Italy.
> Here is his contact info if you don't already have it:
> "Werner Schmidt" <atelier_schmidt@bluewin...>
> Warm regards to you and Margrit,
> Catherine Wanek 

Dear Harald

Werner works primarly in Switzerland, the Italian contact is:

Dr. Arch. Margareth Schwarz, I-39012 Meran/o-Rennweg/via d.corse 6,
Tel.:0473/230023, Fax.:0473/230035,
E-Mail: arch.schwarz@rolmail..., ( Handy: 0039/0348/3634054 )

Best wishes
Herbert Gruber
ASBN, http://www.baubiologie.at