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Re: [Strawbale] RE: Strawbale Digest, Vol 1, Issue 520

G'Day Mr Straw Bale Wolf ;-)

Thanks for the answers. The stud wall seems a reasonable solution. From what you have said it sounds as though you attcah the stud wall direct to the bales before t hey are rendered. How did you attach the studs to the bales? Have you any idea abput the 'waterproof' plaster finish called Tadelakt? I've only ever seen it in Morocco on holday. Its very shiny and almost like marble. I assume you could build waterever you liked over the stud walls. Such as cob like baths covered in this plaster finish but I'm just wondering if anyone knows.

Regarding the windows. We plan to build a straw bale building when we move back to Australia early 2007 (Perth) and want the lounge room to look over any view, hence the windows... The plan was to have deciduous planting growing over a patio outside the lounge windows hence cool in summer and hopefully warm in winter in true permaculture type solar style. Is the 30% windows you suggested for load bearing or timber infill.? Any idea if there are loadbearing projects in Australia? Also is it difficult to get planning for either type?

So many questions,...




Message: 2
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 10:13:27 +1100
From: "Huff'n'Puff" <huffnpuff@shoal....au>
Subject: RE: [Strawbale] Waterproofing bathrooms,	circular buildings
	and other questions
To: "'European strawbale building discussions'"
Message-ID: <000001c5dda7$88e65300$0100000a@BigPond>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

G 'day Ruth

1.  Maybe some answers for you, maybe not.  Regarding water proofing
bathroom walls we use a 4" x 2" stud wall over the straw bales and then
render in between the studs wall.  We then cover the studs with fibre
cement sheeting which is then waterproofed at the joints with a
proprietary sealer usually fibre glass.  We then tile over the cement
sheeting see one photo here which may give you a clue:


2.  Do not know of your English regulations sorry.

3. We have built several round buildings now and the smallest is around 3.6 metres diameter internal measurement i.e. 4.5 meters to the external
wall see:


4. Why do you need so much glass on the southern wall (northern for us)
when you have so much insulation in the straw bale walls.  I am of the
opinion that you do not need so much passive solar heating from so much
glass when you have super insulation in the walls.  I go for 30% glass
in our northern walls fro passive solar heating.  Then again we live in
a hotter climate than yours.

Kind regards
The Straw Wolf

Our Straw Bale Building Web Site:

Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 21:31:59 +0000
From: Ruth Walker <walker_re2002@yahoo....uk>
Subject: [Strawbale] Waterproofing bathrooms,	circular buildings and
	other questions
To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Message-ID: <4f1df7646b1842fdc421719c2b19b984@yahoo....uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Hello strawbalers,

I'm new to this list, having been recommended it by Chug on his course
at LILI in September. Thanks Chug...

I have lots of questions:

1) Does anybody know anything about waterproofing bathrooms that have
strawbale walls?  I was looking at the moroccan technique of Tadelakt a
kind of waterproof plaster finish using lime, egg yolks and soft soap.
Has anyone tried this?

2) We are planning on building a 12 x 5m garden workshop at my place of
work. Does anyone have any idea if this would be considered an
outbuilding? I've tried to go to the planning departments website but
its not that helpful. Are there any basic guidelines. Has anyone had
experience about building at a workplace? We're in Oxfordshire if that

3)What is the minimum circle diameter anyone has used succesfully with

4) How feasible is it to have a loadbearing strawbale building with one
wall of mainly glass or at least windows. Or would it be better to have
some sort of timber frame... what is a good ratio of glass to bale?

Thanks in advance,


    European strawbale building discussion list

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