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[Strawbale] Re: this list?

Jenik said

I suspect myself being guilty a bit, insisting that convection worsens
the insulation properties for teperature differences over 20 K twice (and
still not offering proven and usable ways to suppress this kind of thermal

this complex is surely unsubstantiated ? I for one now need to know the original contention in some detail QUICKLY ?8^)

Chug said

the list has been quiet of late but I guess we have all been out enjoying the summer and building.

Ahhhhhhh? of course ? !!!

as for me I am a European ( English) presently resident (for some years sigh?) in Canada where a few years ago I undertook to build a strawbale home some hundred miles North West of Toronto (where I live) close to Lake Huron in the Great Lakes part of North America.

To cut a long story short I have built a 200 squ ft 2 story guest straw bale "guest house" (workshop on the permit) for short term stays (funds and time permitting ) while the main house is being built .

I used Lime and sand only plaster with some success and cobbed the interior. I am still fiddling with the windows etc . I will probably start the main house next year .

This whole project is going to take years I can see this now.

The area is quite "rural" and it is nice to be there out of the city . The main feature of next year will in addition to the house foundation be a shed (with a living roof )containing a toilet connected to the newly installed septic system This is a big step as it means visitors will likely stay for a bit longer than an hour?

I hope this is enough ?

the very best to you all
