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Re: [Strawbale]Straw bales and septoria

Hello Stephen,
Thank you for your answer.
Why not barley ?  I can't find any information on the subject...
What are the differences ?

Thank you


namadgi a écrit :

>hi guillaume
>we are also building this summer in sarthe (val du loir) and the straw is
>being harvested at the moment. i have not heard about this fungus; have you
>tried contacting farmers a little futher away from your locality? i would
>advise against barley - not so good for construction, try rye (du seigle) if
>you can - this is even better than wheat straw!
>good luck,
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Guillaume Laisney" <glaisney@neuf...>
>To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
>Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 1:25 PM
>Subject: [Strawbale]Straw bales and septoria
>>In NW of France, where I live, Wheat has developped this week some kind
>>of fungus (septoria I think) due to storms and heat.
>>Our straw was reserved, ready to cut... conditions were ideal...
>>Now we don't know what to do...
>>Shall we take the risk to build with this fungi ? or is it preferable to
>>buy another kind of straw (barley was cut before storms), with the
>>difficulty of finding another concentious farmer ready to make bales for
>>Thank you
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