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[Strawbale]Mailing list and suggestions

Hi Dirk and Simon

do we really need another secret list? we already have the GSBN list for technical and testing stuff and that doesn't have that much 

I personally try to keep up with most of the SB lists and it can take up a lot of time, there are already different lists for 
different types of postings, whether it's serious chat, just general chat, or technical discussion, or even secret SB.

REPP Strawbale list http://listserv.repp.org/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
 ---- usually serious SB stuff, off topic posts are frowned upon.

SB-r-us http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/sb-r-us/
--- not quite as serious as Strawbale list, and does stray off topic now and then, but has a section with good links, photos and 
files on lots of SB and related stuff.

ESBN technical list  http://www.htu.tuwien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/esbn-techresearch
--- this list has only been used a handful of times since it was started, and was setup for more technical discussion.

Global Straw Bale Network(GSBN) http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/gsbn-greenbuilder/
---  is a small invitation only email list composed of representatives of regional organizations and key individuals involved in the 
general advancement of straw-bale and other straw-use building materials and techniques.

Euro Strawbale list http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
--- the one were using right now!


Simon---list admin.

in aswer to your email to me about which links to add to the footer I would suggest the ESBN for serious and technical stuff and the 
two US based ones(although both have many global members), Strawbale REPP and SB-r-us ---- these three, along with this Euro list 
should be able to cover most things that SBers need.

bale on
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dirk Scharmer -FSB" <ds@fasba...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 9:34 AM
Subject: AW: [Strawbale]Mailing list

So my suggestion is: A new forum, but a closed and moderated one, which
means, that somebody should control new participants.
I know it's not nice.
