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Re: [Strawbale]testing

I see the problem, it should be solved now. An unusual contents struck
onto an old procmail filter I made against spam (I'm adding _ to the
relevant words so that it passes through):

:0 HB:
 # the above line says procmail to scan the body of the message
 #  instead of the heading;
 # Scanning concerns the nigerian-abachian-millions spam
 # occuring frequently in Jul 2002 and
 # (a system-wide attempt to prevent spreading such ballast by Jenik)
 # (a Bulk_Email spam added on Earth Day 2003, and a missing \ before _$ added)
* < 50000
* dol_lar|U_S\$|(-| )\$|ac_ount
* mil_lion|mo_ney
* assist_ance|ur_gent|Ni_geria|ac_count|kon_to|part_ner|Abac_h|Sese(-| )_Seko

As I saw, there was a mistake, ac_count on two lines there. I wiped it
from the second one. Also I shifted kon_to to the first line. This way
the posts from Duncan and Stewart went through.

I found them within the /tmp/MMmillions file...

Sorry for the trouble. In such cases, you may write me directly, as I
mostly don't read messages to the list now (even an email to me is not at
all sure to be processed as needed...).


On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Stewart Hargrave wrote:

> On 4 Mar 2005 at 11:04, Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> > I seem to be losing emails to this list - can you see this one?
> I've been seeing some replies before the questions.