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[Strawbale]Re: ethical question?

Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 11:46:36 +0100
From: Duncan Lithgow <duncan@lithgow-schmidt...>
To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Subject: Re: ethical question?

I would certainly say that communication might need to be increased with
the client. Does that client understand that yes, you would love to
design a straw bale project, and yes it's cheaper, but it will take you
more design time. It's important they understand this and believe you.

One thing I have often thought would be appropriate for building high
quality low-energy buildings is a second payment some years down the
track. Find an index of home energy consumption - agree on what would
represent a fair energy use and cost for this family if they _did not_
build with straw bale. Then agree one some way that some of the monay
saved becomes the architects. Maybe the money they would have spent goes
into a seperate account automatically - and then each year some
mathematical formula splits any excess between the owner and the

I strongly object to the %age of building cost system. It's plainly
counter productive.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth.


PS: I've now got the hand of running my computer on linux. Anyone else
want to join me - I'd be happy to help.