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Re: [Strawbale]ethical question?

Hi Valentina

Ah the old money/currency problem, I know it well
the only suggestion I have is has the client anything to offer you in return other than monetary payment, what does the client do 
workwise? maybe you can work out some form of work swap or barter. You will also have the added benefit of gaining some experience 
with SB which may help you procure more SB design work in the future.

bale on
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "valentina" <valentina@ara-b...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Strawbale]ethical question?

Hi everybody,
i send a mail to this list because i think that do to the variety  and
experience of people here... maybe you can help me.... :

 > i'm an architect involved in a project of a strawbale house in spain
and the organization of a workshop to build the house
 > the clients owners...have very litlle money to build the house.....
 > to "calculate" the money i'm supposed to be paid i use the official
reference of the architects council of spain......
 > the fact that strawbale house is cheeper to build .....does not mean
that is cheeper to design...in fact is more expensive....due to luck of
"normal" refernces for the administrative process of getting the
building permission.....and we have to ask for it....
 > i'm not in the economical position to afford working without being

  do you have any suggestions in order to reach a fair agreement between
all parts? .....

best regards to this great list! :-), valentina

arq. valentina maini
arquitectos ara B sccl
ronda sant pere 58, pral b
08010 barcelona
tel. +34-933197631

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