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[Strawbale]International Calendar of Events

Looking for workshops, hands-on training and educational programs on
strawbale and natural building (cob, timber frame, straw/clay and other
methods and materials)? Check out the Calendar of Events on the TLS web
site: www.thelaststraw.org. We also include energy systems (solar, PV),
water systems (water harvesting, grey water), even an ecovillage workshop or

Send your workshop, event, conference, hands-on training opportunities,
seminar information to <thelaststraw@thelaststraw...> at least two weeks
prior to the event, if possible. English please. We will edit and format the
announcement and place it on the web site so that the information is
available to the international community.


Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/TLS
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161