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[Strawbale][Fwd: Workshops in the E.U.?]

 G 'day Europe balers

Can you help this chap please. I have sent him Rene and Lars email but maybe some of you are conducting workshops soon.

Salaams The Straw Wolf.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Workshops in the E.U.?
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:44:28 +0200
From: Steven Luttikhuis <stevenluttikhuis@solcon...>
To: <huffnpuff@shoal....au>

Dear reader,

Quite some time ago I heard about strawbale building. By reading more and
more about it I now slowly become more and more enthousiast to actually
learn it. As a start I like to learn the basis technices of strawbale
So, I'm looking for good workshops about strawbale building in Europe,
peferably central Europe.  On your website (which I enjoyed reading) I saw
that Huff 'n' Puff  give several workshops but since Australia is not quite
next door for me -I'm from The Netherlands- I can not join them easily! What
a pitty.

My question is: can you provide me with an/some name(s) of organisations in
Europe (private or business-like) where I possibly can do a course or
workshop? I would appreciate it a lot if you can.

In forehand, thanks a lot, and for now,

my greetings,  Steven Luttikhuis

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