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[Strawbale]Fwd: WWAT:Workers Needed for Turkish Ecocentre Project...

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Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2004 11:42:41 +0100 (BST)
From: Jon Bawn <jonbawn@yahoo....uk>
Subject: WWAT:Workers Needed for Turkish Ecocentre Project...
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Greetings from Antalya, Turkey! I am just starting work on a small eco centre tucked away in a beautiful corner of the Toros Mountains. I have nearly one hectare of good terraced land and plan to start a self-sufficient home for a small community of people that will also offer special interest retreats and low-impact tourism. There is currently one old cottage to which I plan to add a straw bale house, a yurt and a couple of traditional nomad tents. There are almost unlimited opportunities for anyone interested in natural building, permaculture and organic gardening.
Basically, have fun, and escape the stresses of modern life!
If you would be interested in coming to Turkey to help with the project, I am able to pay a good local wage and offer full board and lodgings.
Please email me for more info!
Jon Bawn
Tel. 0090 537 582 4104

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