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[Strawbale]Fw: Strawbale employment

Hi Baleheads,
does anyone need an apprentice?(see email below)

bale on
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda Poynter" <millymollymandy126@hotmail...>
To: <chug@strawbale-building....uk>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: Strawbale employment


My name is Amanda Poynter and I am a 25 year graduate of the Bachelor of
Arts (Architecture) at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.    While I
lack the second architectural degree that would allow me to become a
registered architect, I am desperate to enter the building
design/development world.   I am particularly interested in working in the
field of sustainable development with a keen interest in learning all that
I can about strawbale design and construction.

My only experience within the construction industry thus far has been my
2-3 years within my fathers fire protection engineering firm acting
primarily as a documentor using AutoCAD R14/2000.    I continued this role
within his company from August 2003 through to August 2004 while I was
living in rural Japan as an employee of the Japanese Government on the JET

I would love to know if your company (or other companies that you may know
of) would be at all willing to take on a new "apprentice" in the field of
strawbale design and construction at the moment and if you would be at all
willing to take on a girl from Melbourne??!!   I am so keen to learn all
that I can about straw, that I am more than willing to consider moving to
the other side of the world if necessary!

Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this lengthy email and I
really lok forward to your response to my enquiries.

Take Care
Amanda Poynter

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