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[Strawbale]Re: Straw roof/wall detail

Hi all,
Does anyone out there have experience with a lightweight living sod roof?
I want to use straw for organic matter.
I'm planning a steep roof of about 30 degrees pitch.
The loadbearing structure will be made of timber post and beam with timber decking. Does anyone have more information on this one?
The walls of my building will be made of posts with strawbale infill.
I'm planning to position the posts in the wall so I get a continious wall without having to worry about rotting timber and maintainance of the posts. Does anyone have any details of this wall section?

Rene Dalmeijer writes:
Rikki, That was a demonstration by Frank Thomas. As far as I can remember it was Yogurt with lime and a pigment. I am sure Frank will respond too. I am not to sure about the weather/moisture resistance for sticking tiles and also I don't know how well it will adhere to tiles.

At 07:36 AM 8/6/04, you wrote:
For those of you who were at ISBBC:  Does any one remember that great,
strong, natural glue someone used to stick two peices of wood together
(sometime in the last couple of days of the conference, it went around the circle)? What was the recipe? Do you think it would work to glue ceramic
tiles on an earth-plastered wall?
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