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[Strawbale]FW: Natural Building Colloquium

> More information about:
> The 1st European Natural Building Colloquium!
> 15-22 of August ?04
> You are hereby invited to Hungary to participate in seven days of hands-on
> workshops, presentations and discussions exploring the renaissance of
> traditional natural building techniques and modern innovations.
> Under the theme:
> ?Sun and Earth: Heat, Insulation and Mass?
> ..a large gathering of Builders, Designers, Architects, Owner-Builders,
> Educators will meet in a small village some 30 km from Budapest. They will
> exchange their experiences, learn new skills and rejoice.
> Will you come too?
> No, it?s not another conference! We?re trying to import the American concept
> of a ?Colloquium? which can mean ?An informal meeting for the exchange of
> views?
> The atmosphere you should expect to find at Mariahalom Biofalu, will be
> non-hierarchal, with workshops and presentations led by participants who?s
> eager to share their knowledge (Also about mistakes!).
> -There?ll also be a few Masters present, who?ll lead the workshops on Finnish
> mass stoves, cob-ovens, green wood working, earth-bag construction and give
> presentations on the essentials of Earth building.  We could start dropping
> names, however don?t underestimate the possibility for yoga, walks, mediation
> and networking with your peers! Suffice to say that you?ll have a chance to
> enjoy a week with like minded spirits from: USA, Canada, Spain, Portugal,
> England, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Slovak, Czech, Italy and
> Romania?.(So far!) .
> The programme is left open to reserve space for your input. It doe seem that
> that we?ll have a strong emphasis on the fire theme with oven builders coming
> from many countries and part of the program will be to construct 2-3 Finnish
> mass ovens under the guidance of Heikki Hyytinainen, as well as a cob pizza
> oven, however this will just be a fraction of the activities.
> Why: Simultaneously with the new trends in the West there are strong forces
> working on maintaining the national natural techniques that appears throughout
> the East. Quite often this leads to excellent projects, which the West could
> benefit from learning about. Máriahalom in Hungary is one such place. It
> constitutes 50 hectares and currently has 5 very interesting building projects
> in progress. The founder, Géza Lakatos has offered to house the Curriculum and
> will seek to facilitate a place for whichever technique you may want to
> demonstrate or learn.
> Who: This event is intended for professionals within the area of natural
> building. We expect you to have experience within the field and have a keen
> interest in meeting your international colleagues, exchange experiences and
> network. We expect that some of you want to facilitate some of the workshops
> and demonstrate your techniques.
> Organisation:
> Formally we?re 2 people initiating it, however just as the word ?Colloquium?
> means ?An informal meeting for the exchange of views.? We will do our best to
> include you in the planning and executions of the event, aiming at you all
> taking part of settling the programme and responsibilities. We basically
> supply the logistics, including lovely organic vegetarian food and
> shelter/accommodation for 50 people with additional campground for 50 more.
> To help you take active part, the PermaLot web-master has arranged a ?Phorum?:
> www.permalot.org/phorum/ It?s a online forum where you can post (and answer)
> all the questions and comments you may have. We hope it means that we?ll be
> many who construct the final programme ?
> Program: The meals are setting the basic frame, with optional yoga etc. before
> breakfast. We intend to have 2 daily sessions and you?ll be able to attend
> whichever activity you?re most attracted to.  We hope to place most of the
> talk-oriented presentations to the late afternoon and evenings. We would like
> to encourage you to offer various workshops and presentations on the Phorum,
> and we?ll see if we?re able to fit it in, once we balance the logistics, needs
> and popular demand. Any good earth plasterers out there? Good presentations?
> (Remember KISS!: Keep It Short and Simple)
> Where:
> Máriahalom is situated at the edge of a cozy village, surrounded by fields and
> forest; 30 km from Budapest. For now all you need to plan is your transport to
> Budapest, and we?ll post you a travel description, means and times of public
> transport etc. as you prepay the first 25%
> Accommodation:
> For those of you most in need or willing to pay 10  extra a night, there?s 3x
> 4 bedrooms at the elder center which Geza built. There?ll be 2-3 empty
> apartments (Floor space) in a house with rental units as well. In addition
> Geza has 3 half built houses and several shelters, which can provide a dry
> camp area. In case of a larger demand we will arrange for large tents and
> yurts. Feel free to bring tents
> Bring:
> Work clothes, perhaps your basic hand tools, (though we?ll have extra), nice
> clothes for our party and perhaps for you to explore Budapest. Toothbrush as
> well as camping gear depending on sleeping option.
> Price:
> The event is non-profit!
> Citizens of EU countries and N. America etc.; 225 Euro
> Citizens of accession countries: (Discount of 65 euro) 160 euro
> Citizens of poorer non-EU countries (Possible added discount) 100 Euro (+ a
> motivation letter.)
> -Add 3-5 euro per night for a bed, depending on vacancies.
> Unfortunately then pay-pal service does not extend to Hungary, so please
> simply pre-pay by postal order or bank transfer to:
> Géza Lakatos
> 2527 Máriahalom Biofalu
> Hungary.
> Bank account: 11773140-08501103
> H-1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 15/b
> swift code: OTPVHUHB
> The above prices raises with 20% after August 1st. Payment of a 25%
> pre-registration fee is required. The cost covers participation in the event,
> splendid vegetarian (focus on organic) meals, basic accommodation, (with
> possibility for more comfort for additional fees)
> ?.What happened to the Partner event?
> Sorry as we have limited resources and only received 1 expression of interest,
> we?re currently not focused on making such an event?perhaps this is an issue
> for the Phorum?
> www.biofalu.hu - www.permalot.org/colloquium/
> Max Vittrup Jensen
> -Builder and Organizer-
> 1st European Natural Building Colloquium
> www.permalot.org/colloquium/
> Phone: +420 737578314

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