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RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
Thanks for your reply Rene.
The link to your site does not work.
Is there a mistype in it.
With regards
Piet Walraven
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz]Namens Rene Dalmeijer
Verzonden: maandag 21 juni 2004 22:28
Aan: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Onderwerp: RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
Dear Piet,
Rob of RAMstrobouw is a good source for SB info I suggest you talk to him
after reading some of the basic SB books. Although I must caution at the
same time he is also very busy at the moment. Have a look at my website at
the meantime http://hetnet.nl/~rene.dalmeijer follow the links for
resources especially check the European SB website with a lot of valuable
info including references to books.
A book which I can definitely recommend is the recently Published German
Der Strohballenbau by Gernot Minke and Friedemann Mahlke. The book gives
many technical background details and includes quite a few good details
suitable to European conditions. The publisher is okovbuchverlag
Allas you just missed the opportunity to take part in the just finished
International SB conference held in Friland Denmark this would have been an
ideal opportunity to gather a wealth of information and experience in many
basic techniques like baling walls, base coat and finish plastering etc but
also topics like thatching solar heating and oven building taught by
experienced practitioners. Make sure you don't miss the next European or
international conference. The last will most probably be held in Canada in
2 years time.
At 07:36 AM 6/18/04, you wrote:
>Ik overweeg in de toekomst zelf een stro-woning te bouwen.
>Momenteel ben ik mezelf aan het orienteren op deze bouwmethode.
>Ik heb een langdurige bouwkundige achtergrond en heb interesse om
>met dit concept zelf iets te gaan ondernemen.
>Weet jij of er boeken zijn of documentatie met (standaard)-detaillering
>of adviezen voor raam-aansluitingen, draag-constructie en dergelijke.
Rene Dalmeijer
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