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Sv: [Strawbale]Topic for ISBBC

Dear Dirk

We think that it is absolutely a good idea for this to happen. I suggest that it can be a forum, this way anyone that is interested can participate and maybe you'll come up with some resolutions/results/tasks for the new year.

We don't know anyone that can do it. The forums will each have a facilitator who can promt conversation, keep things on track, make sure people get to speak, etc. Would you be interested in facilitating this forum? or do you know someone who would? You just need to bring the basic information so that the group has a place to start.

There will be a note taker for each forum, then any resolutions will be presented on the Friday for people to take on tasks, or just to announce it to the bigger group. 
Let me know what you think.

There is only one coming from Austria, an architecture student who arrives on Monday, but maybe he can help in some way?? His name is Michael Fürst.

- Do you know anything about Joachim Merkle joining the tour at Sieben Linden? 

- We are a bit worried that not many from Sieben Linden have paid. I think just Martin, Burkard and Sabine. We need to order food today. Can you guarantee that Jan, Manuel and yourself are coming? The food is the only financial risk we are taking so it would be good to have a definite answer, even if the payment takes a couple of days.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Dirk Scharmer <info@wand4...>
To: <Strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 4:47 PM
Subject: [Strawbale]Topic for ISBBC

> Dear ISBBC-participants,
> I would like to suggest to talk about the european technical approval
> (ETA) of strawbales as a building material. There're some interesting
> news in this area. Some from germany and some really important from
> austria (I hope there'll be someone from there, who`s able to present
> them). And I hope there will be some news from other european country's
> to this subject!
> For us from the german strawbale association FSB it's the most important
> question yet, how much attention, money and time we spent to get the
> ETA.
> Is there anybody out there, who is interested in this topic too?
> My personal aim is to get the ETA as quick, simple and cheap as possible
> because in germany we needs it to build more sb-houses without staying
> with one leg in prison ;-)
> In 2003 the FSB applied for a the german general building approval for
> strawbales, we made a couple of tests all with success, accept the
> molder test.
> I guess the passing of this test will be the main gate, for strawbales
> to get the approval. For this topic there is very interesting study
> which is made in austria from Thomas Zelger. I hope there will an
> austrian, who`s able to give us abrif overview about this work.
> Lets build an international team on isbbc to face this challenge!
> Dirk Scharmer
> _______________________________
> Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V
> Dipl.- Ing. Architekt
> Dirk Scharmer
> Auf der Rübekuhle 10
> D-21335 Lüneburg
> Tel. 0049-4131- 727804
> Fax. 0049-4131- 727805  
> ____________________________________________________
>     European strawbale building discussion list
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> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
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