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[Strawbale]Re: Strawbale digest, Vol 1 #354 - 2 msgs

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 09:01:33 -0500
Subject: Re: [Strawbale]Global Straw Bale Networks
From: Joyce Coppinger <jc10508@alltel...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Reply-To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz


The GSBN is a small email list composed of representatives of regional
organizations and other non-affiliated key individuals involved in the
general advancement of straw-bale and other straw-use building materials
and techniques. The intentionally small number of members range from highly
experienced professionals to well informed lay people.

The costs of operating the list have lately been underwritten by The Last
Straw Journal in exchange for use of the GSBN as an advisory board and
technical editing arm.


Thankyou Joyce?

You have me intrigued me now of course, and I wonder as you have been so explicit in your summary above whether I could enquire as to the purpose of the GSBN list? Is it perhaps a "traditional" media/government pressure/action group ? I wonder how an intentionally small number of members is beneficial in this regard?

The obvious benefit to TLS would be editorial resource development but what are the "benefits" to participants, access to knowledge denied to those on the REPP or SB-R-US lists?

Or have I asked too many questions for my own good already?
