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[Strawbale]TLS on CD-Rom

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TLS (The Last Straw Journal) on CD-Rom? Yes, that's right, the best of the
first 40 issues of TLS (1993 through 2003) will soon be available on a fully
indexed, searchable CD-Rom. Expected to be available in June 2004 at a price
of $35 USD plus shipping/handlng, you can now pre-order and ensure you get
your copy hot off the press. Pre-ordered copies are being offered at a
discounted price of $30 USD, shipping included. The funds raised through
pre-orders will help TLS with production costs.

Here's an order form to use in placing your order:





Zip/Postal Code


I would like to pre-order (insert # of copies here) of the TLS CD-Rom at the
special rate of $30 USD each. Please send a check or money order payable to
The Last Straw Journal or fill in the credit card information below and mail
to to GPFS/TLS, PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706 USA or fForm can be
faxed to 402.483.5161, or you may order vial email at

Card #

Expiration date

Name on face of card

For more information, contact the TLS Business office:
<thelaststraw@thelaststraw...> or 402.483.5135.

Why a CD-Rom? As anyone who has subscribed to TLS for a long time will know,
a collection of TLS issues represents a wealth of knowledge about strawbale
and natural building. But, as anyone who has flipped through their back
issues trying to find that one article they remember from years past knows,
it's not always easy to find what you need in those back issues.

Searchable by issue, author, topic and key words, the new TLS CD-Rom will
allow readers to find the information they need quickly and completely. Need
to find everything we've published about moisture? In moments you'll have
access to 10 years of collected wisdom (and the occasional folly!) on the

Whether you're a seasoned bale professional who needs quick access to
specific research an how-to articles or a newcomer to bale building who
needs to research the subject as completely as possible, the TLS CD-Rom will
be an invaluable tool.