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[Strawbale] Fwd: Earthship construction/seminar in Valencia, Spain

This upcoming workshop may be of interest.....

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 11:49:55 -0700
Dear Sirs,

I am writing to inform you of seminars about building Earthships (<http://www.earthship.org>www.earthship.org) which will be taking place in april in Spain. Below is the relevant information. Pelase feel free to contact us through this email address or directly to SSA on their website.

Best regards

Earthship Seminars in Spain!

Session 1: April 8-10
Session 2: April 12-14

Earthship Biotecture has been hosting seminars in Taos, New Mexico for
over 15 years.  For the first time we will be offering Earthship
Seminars internationally.  This spring Earthship creator Michael
Reynolds will bring an expert team from our headquarters to Valencia,
Spain for two three day seminars.  Seminar attendees will learn
hands-on Earthship building techniques like tire pounding and can
laying on an owner-built Earthship project.  Lectures and slide shows
will be held in English and Spanish and will cover passive solar
heating, thermal mass construction, natural cooling and ventilation
techniques, active solar power and wind systems, use of natural and
recycled materials, rainwater catchment, integrated water reuse
systems, gray and black water botanical cells and the history and
development of the Earthship structure and systems.  All the different
types of Earthship designs will be explained and a round table
discussion with the Earthship design/build team will be held.

Three day Earthship seminar fee: $500 per person.  (payable in full by
March 15, 2004)

Next step: Sign up for the seminar by booking on the online Earthship
Market.  $100 refundable per person deposit.  Pay in full before
February 14, 2004  and receive a $50 per person discount.