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Re: [Strawbale] information about sb-workshops end of october

Dear Melanie and Joachim,

in august I took part 2 weeks in a construction with Tom Rijven close to
Bordeaux, France. It´s a 2-store building with a mixed wall system:
clay-"dipped" bales with vertical wooden boards conected. 
I´m not shure, if they have finnished the walls yet. It´s not a workshop but
maybe you can visit him and work like voluntar.  Contact:
He´s a great teacher! Good luck!
Now I´m back in Karlsruhe from my practical-experience in Pamplona - Maybe
we get in touch this days to meet and exchange? Auf deutsch I can explain
better ;-)

Best wishes,
hasta pronto


> Dear Strawbalers,
> we're a German couple interested in strawbale-building (load-bearing
> style).
> Since we have to improve our knowledge and skills we would like to take
> part
> in a workshop.
> Do you know if and where (in Central Europe) there are any workshops or
> projects between October 24th and 31st?
> We are mostly interested in wallraising and plastering.
> Thanks.
> Best wishes,
> Melanie and Joachim
> ____________________________________________________
>     European strawbale building discussion list
> Send all messages to:
> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Archives, subscription options, etc:
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          ----------- Oliver Heizmann -------------
          ----------- Kriegsstrasse 52 -------------
          ----------- 76133 Karlsruhe -------------

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