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[Strawbale] trip to Europe


Hello all

we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we (Frank,
Ingrid and our two boys Marley & Dylan) are going to Germany/Europe in
July/August this year. We will spend most of the time with our families in
Germany. However, we would like to combine this trip with our metier i.e.
meeting European strawbalers, look at some European strawbale projects and
share our strawbale experience/expertise with some of you at "your end of
the wood".

To introduce our strawbale building work/news from Australia we would like
to offer slide presentations to interested folk. A sensible and practical
way is probably for us to join/visit strawbale building workshops where we
could be introduced/participate as guest speakers and share our strawbale
experiences with you.

We have booked one presentation for the 15.07.03 at the University,
Department for Experimental Building, in Kassel, Germany. Head of the
department is Prof. Gernot Minke who you may already know as the author of
the (excellent) "Earth Construction Handbook". Minke's research assistant,
Friedemann Mahlke, has been a guest speaker/participant at the ISBBC 2003
and we have enjoyed a great exchange of strawbale building information since
his visit downunder. Friedemann can be reached at
mahlke@architecture...-kassel.de to get more details about the function in

Our presentation can be for 1-2 hours as desired and we may have to charge a
fee for our effort depending on details such as location, duration..... of
the presentaion.

We can be reached by mail:
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Strawbale Construction
Frank Thomas. 31 Parkes Road, Moss Vale, NSW 2577 Australia
Ph. & Fax: + 61 2 48693302 and of course e-mail: strawbales@bigpond... to
arrange necessary details for a possible presentation.

Hoping to catch up with you while we are in Europe and looking forward to
hear from you soon. We wish you all the best until then, peacefully, Frank &

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