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[Strawbale] Re Refuge in Mozambique

G ' day Balers World Wide

Today I received this letter from Kuzola Amana who wrote to me in French
from a refuge camp in Mozambique.

I have asked Rene to translate for me seeing that he is Dutch.  I also  sent
a copy to Colin Newton husband of Chris Newton a banana bender
(Queenslander) or Cane Toad country who has a French Friend.  However we are
about to hit the frog and toad and will not be on air for a wee while.  So
some of you may want to take up the cudgels and help Kuzola.  Here it is:

16 04 2003

Object: Demande l'apprentissage


Je me presente devant vous solliciter l'apprentissaage ausein de votre
nouvelle technologie des constructions.  En etant refuge profoundement
marque par des gueres (sin? or qin) ensonzlantent dans notre pays, la
Republique Democratique de Congo.

Je reside dans les camps des refuges de Moratane province de Nampula,
Republique de Mozambique.

Venillez agreer monsieur pour l'apprentissage, a cette expression

Pour l'association "Les Jardiniers de la Nature'

Kuzola M' Nyemu Amana
Et Jardiniers de la Nature
Camp Des Refugies de Maratane

My translation is that he wants an apprentiship in straw bale building, but
where and when I am not sure or in what country.

I may not have read his writing all that well but I would like to reply to
him and see what we can do.

What we need is a few more discussion lists!

Au Revoir
The Straw Wolf
61 2 6927 6027