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[Strawbale] Re: [SB] Resale value & SB Registry

Dear Bill
There are a few buildings in the U.K that I have the owners permission to share details on, so I will try to get them
added to your database.
I am trying to get the owner of the one building(Ben Law and his SB house in the wood) that I absolutely have fallen in
love with, to register as well, coz to me it is the statement of sustainability, built literally from the woods and
earth surrounding the plot and the wheat field next door, and I think it's beautiful!

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Christensen <billc_lists@GREENBUILDER...COM>

No, and that's one of my points.  I can't do this alone, and never
intended to.  For one thing, there's no money in it at present (the
initial code work was supposed to be covered, but I only got a little
over half that money) and I have a family to feed.  I'm not asking
for handouts here... the Registry isn't going to be shut down for
lack of funds or anything.  But the thing is that *you* folks
collectively  know where more SBs are than anyone, and the SB
Registry needs you to help get the word out. It's a relatively easy
task for a lot of people to take on, and a herculean task for one

Bill Christensen