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[Strawbale] Mail ettiquette

Dear users,

I would kindly like to request you to selectively quote and post ascii only
mailings to the list. I recieve the digest which is compiled in ascii only
format. About 70 percent of each digest consists of HTML tags. Which
everyone who reads the digest has to plough through. Some of the postings
are so jumbeled that I quite often decide to throw the whole digest away.

Selectively quote:

Please spend a moment before hitting the reply button and selectively quote
a mail you are responding to. It saves so many people time there are many
people reading this list and the list is continually growing.

Ascii only:

Generally there is an option in every e-mail program allowing you to
determine in what format e-mail is sent. Most lists prefer ascii as it saves
a lot of bandwidth saving transmission and server costs and not to forget
all the people reading the postings. Formatted mail almost doubles the
burden on

If you are using Outlook you should have a menu item called format when
composing or replying to a message. Check to see what the current setting is
for the mail or reply you are composing. The two options I have is rich text
(HTML) or plain text (ascii). you could do this for each reply or e-mail you
are sending but this is very tedious. I changed my basic setting in the main
program Menu item Tools>options then select the tab send in this pane you
will see radio buttons to select either HTML or ascii, select ascii. Thats

With kind regards,
Rene Dalmeijer