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[Strawbale] request from serbia (FWD)

Dear Strawbalers.

As you might know a "working group for development cooperation" 
was formed on the european gathering 2002. Its goal is to assist in 
projects like the one described below. 

There has not been a lot of traffic since - it seems there has not been 
a lot of requests or activities. As the group has been formed a year 
ago and there might be "new" interested people who are not part of 
this group, I send this mail to the European list AND the working-
group-list (sorry for cross-posting):

I think it would be good to give a coordinated answer to the request. 
Therefore I would like to ask you:

- Are you interested and able to assist this initiative? If yes, what kind 
of assistance / expertise can you give? 

- Are you interested to be contact-person for this organisation 
(Alliance to Save Energy) and develop the project with them?

Please send your reply to my adress 
(markus.piringer@global2000...), not the ESBN-list, as people might 
not like too much traffic on this list. If you are interested I will add you 
to the  "working group for development cooperation"-list and we will 
discuss further steps there.

Hope everyone is happy with this solution
Best regards
Markus Piringer
Can anyone help this person?

- Bruce King
(Please reply to him & copy GSBN / to Martin Oehlmann so we know 
you did)

A long time ago, during my EPA Energy Star days, I was very into
strawbale, and have never forgotten it and the value it can have.  But
I've lost my contacts and need some help.

I am our Serbia (Yugoslavia) country director for the Alliance to Save
Energy (www.ase.org <http://www.ase.org> ), a Washington-based 
NGO doing
energy efficiency around the world.  I live and work in Serbia doing the
same.  Recently, I've come across a group here that I think would be
interested in a Strawbale training and wall raising/building making
project to help a bunch of communities with economic development 
environmental protection.

Do you know of any groups that train people in strawbale, who would 
able to come over to Serbia for 3-4 weeks, probably over the summer, 
train people in 5-6 communities and help them build small strucutres,
basically getting the experience.  We would be able to handle the
logistics and organization and would work with teh communities to 
sure they had the right materials in the right place at the right time for
the trainings (to maximize the training org's time), based on the 
org's direction.

Serbia is a relatively poor, but very industrious country.  Energy prices
are only $.04/kWh on average but with the price scaled up based on 
some people at the top usage levels spend as much as $.19/kWh.  
heating is very prevalent here as a result of the social engineering
practices of the past.  Further, Serbia has some awful environmental
problems and is in desperate need of local jobs and industry.  I 
strawbale could be extremely beneficial to Serbia, help create some 
and protect its environment.

Our national outreach program would virtually guarantee that any 
would gain national press coverage and we'd be asked to do teh 
same in
other places.  It could be a great opportunity.

I found your name through a Google search on Strawbale.  Like I said 
contacts dried up several years ago after I moved overseas.  I would
greatly appreciate your help pointing me int eh right direction.

Many thanks.

Eric Carlson
Serbia Director
Alliance to Save Energy

Tel:  +381-11-181-569
Fax:  +381-11-626-217
Web:  www.ase.org.yu <http://www.ase.org.yu>

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send email to GSBN@lists....com with HELP in the 

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Piringer
Renewable Ressources
GLOBAL 2000 - FOE-Austria
Flurschuetzstr. 13, A-1120 Wien
tel +43-1-812 57 30 / 39
fax +43-1-812 57 28 
net markus.piringer@global2000...
url http://www.global2000.at