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[Strawbale] Fwd: re Spanish list

Could you please direct Almuth to the Spanish list..... thanks.

Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 04:03:36 +0100 (MET)
From: enlascalles@gmx...
To: mail@builderswithoutborders...
X-Authenticated-Sender: #0012633825@gmx...
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X-Mailer: WWW-Mail 1.6 (Global Message Exchange)
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i``m very interested in the work of your organisation!!!
since a lot of years i``m working in building sites, constructions...with
wood,stone, loam,...could you send me information about you?
and do you have adresses in spanish speaking contries?(en feb.2003 i will go
to spain for about 3 months and for 2004  or 2oo5 i``m looking for projects
in middle or latinamerica).

thank you and sorry for my english    almuth

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