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[Strawbale] Bolivian Kids need help?

Greeetings Baleheads,
I recieved this request below, for help from Bolivia, please if you feel you can help,
reply direct to Caoimhin Mcsuili and Hannah Reed at.   suili73@yahoo...
Regards Chug.
P.S. Keep spreading the word!
Dear straw balers,
 A big hello from Bolivia and also a favour to ask, my
name is Caoimhin Mc Suili and together with Hannah
Reed we work for an Irish Charity based in Derry City
called L.A.S.C.O. (Latin American Street Childrens
Organisation.) At the moment we are working with
street children in Cochabamba one of the major cities
in this country.  Our work consists of giving
friendship and solidarity to these kids whilst helping
them with motivational workshops on the streets,
dealing with issues such as drug addiction, violence,
and homelessness, helping with medical problems and
generally supporting the kids in their everyday lives.
  At the moment one of the biggest problems facing
these children is that if they choose to change their
lives and leave the streets there is very little out
there to support them. For this reason we have decided
to create a different type of environment where they
can go to be supported and assisted in overcomming
physical and psychological problems, a safe
environment where they can develop without the
restrictions of an institutionalised mindset.
  We are at the first stages of this project and at
the moment we are looking for the appropriate site to
build on.  As part of this project we intennd to build
at least twenty structures which will be straw bale,
:A montessori school
:A community centre
:Workshops for remnewable enegy technologies
:Store rooms
:A structure that will hold batteries and solar power
:Living quarters.
  This project will be entirely ecologically friendly
from the type of buildings and energy used to the
recycling of water and organic agriculture.
  I must stress that at the momenmt we are at the
first stages and are seeking funding for this project.
 The reason for choosing straw bale as the material
for building is that there is an abundance of straw
here and it will benefit both the rural and urban
communities as a cheaper and less labour intensive
form of construction.  The added benefit being that
the street children can be empowered by building there
own homes alongside the community who will also be
involved from the beginning. This shold help to lessen
the divide that exists between the two whilst helping
the kids reintegrate into the local community.
  And now for the favor, at this stage we are trying
to contact groups who may have an interest in this
project and its development. I would greatly
appreciate any contacts or ideas you might have. 
I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all
the success in the world with your work,
all the best,
 Caoimhin Mc SuilI and Hannah Reed.
Latin American Street Childrens Organisation.
Cochabamba, Bolivia