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Re: [strawbale] Soundwall

Dear Mark,

That sounds like an offer that is too good to be true. Try to make that work
to get some more data on the acoustics, a complex matter.

Lars Keller (part of this mailing list) has been involved in sound testing,
but results are not official yet.

Be aware that testing a SB wall system is exactly that, testing a wall
system, not just the bales. A post and beam SB wall might give very
different results than loadbearing. When elements go through the wall (a
beam or rafters) this might greatly demisish the sound insulative quality of
the SB wall.

For further techdata, check out Bruce King's (engineer) book (buildings of
earth and straw) and or 'his' website (www.ecobuildnetwork.org if I'm not
mistaken) this is where the latest SB test data is available.

And as for my little advice on using bales outside, keep 'm dry if you want
them to last.


www.la-maison-en-paille.com (you can find pictures of Huges Peuvergne's
landscape work with 'jumbo' bales on our website.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark and/or Jan Bigland-Pritchard <hyphen@dial....com>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [strawbale] Soundwall

> Paysagist@aol... wrote:
> >
> > I am a landscape architect who is researching the use of strawbales
> > for a soundwall.  Do you know who I might contact concerning this
> > applications and wheter or not there is any data on wind loads,
> > acoustical tests etc.  Any information you can provide would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Michael Canteberry, RLA, ASLA
> You remind me that I received an offer from an acoustics specialist a
> couple of years ago to do free tests on my little test building.  I'll
> get in touch with him again and see what he can do.  (Do you have any
> specific requirements? - can see if we can include them.)
> Mark Bigland-Pritchard
> Bristol, England
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