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Re: [Strawbale] Stable answers....:-)

Dear Boy

It would be a little more efford to
> construct something for the bales to stand on, which could be 15 cm or
more higher
> than the floor itself. But maybe that could be a wrong idea for other

It is a good idea indeed (and almost standard practice) to raise your walls
(5cm for a house) to avoid water comming into your bales in case water ends
up on your floor. And it allways does (leaking pipe, broken down washing
maschine, blown away roof tiles)

In your case you might consider earth plastering the bales for fire and
rodent protection, and than put plywood in front wich can be tiled.
In the USA they often use a drip-strip (don't know the official term). It is
a metal strip that sits on the foundation, carries the plaster, and sticks
out a little (diagonally downwards) so the water does not creep up.

Pascal Thepaut is a French SB builder. Not part of this mailing list.
The stable René refers too is in Luzarches, Val d'Oise, France. Architect
was Jean-Charles Fabre, and Francois Tanguay was the SB expert on site. I
have no addresses. The documentation says it has a lime (Chaux Aerienne)
finish inside and out. Outside also has a 1 m cement:lime splash line. But
remember that cement also keeps moisture IN, not only out!

About the large common SB building on the Floriade. It is the Rabobank
Conference Center. Buildt by Tom Rijven and Eric Vermue with very large
Dutch SB. It is not open to the public, but if you wander arround (to the
right of the Floriade entrance) you might be able to get a look inside


La Maison en Paille
Association loi 1901

Coralie & André de Bouter
Le Trézidoux
16290 Champmillon
tel: 05 45 66 27 68
Email: m.ep@laposte...

----- Original Message -----
From: <boy@12much...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 8:13 PM
Subject: [Strawbale] Stable answers....:-)

> Hello martin, Chug and Renee,
> at first, tnxx for your response,
> Martin,
> We'll really try to make it to the Floriade. I'm curious after seeing the
pictures on your
> site. I've also heard, that there was build a large common building with
very big
> (french?) strawbales. May be we'll meet:-)
> Chug and Rene,
> we'd already figured out something like that. Question is more if there
should be a
> special construction for the benefit of cleaning and so on. When I was
helping to shave
> the bales in nice roundings between two big door holes, nobody seemed to
> about lining it with the concrete. I just discussed the matter with the
architect a few
> weeks ago, and it seemed important enough to be carefull wether the 4cm
> rests on the fundament. And not only to carry the wall, but also for
losing water in the
> right way, preventing it to flush away the clay. It would be a little more
efford to
> construct something for the bales to stand on, which could be 15 cm or
more higher
> than the floor itself. But maybe that could be a wrong idea for other
reasons. So.....?
> And Renee,
> Who should Pascal Thepaut be? Can I find his whereabouts in a earlyer
digest ?
> Greatings to you all,
> Boy Bakhuys
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