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Re: [Strawbale] [Strawbale]pyrethroids was Strawbale roof insulation
Hi, Beth,
The dialogue about wool insulation continues...thought you might be
interested - probably already know about - this.
on 9/19/02 11:11 AM, Alex Ian New at Alex@daikuservices... wrote:
> Hello all, finally,
> permethrin is a pyrethroid , pyrethroids were originally based on the
> natural pyrethrum, but way "improved" for longevity and toxicity - go
> figure...
> It is used in all wool products that have the quality mark "WollSiegel" (in
> germany), and also in all sorts of domestic insecticides, aracides,
> whatever...e.g. against fleas and moths.
> Naturally there are opposing views about the dangers, but there is enough
> reason to just rule it out, it is considered carcinogenic, damaging the
> nervous system, faking hormone signals, and finally considered a cause for
> multiple chemical sensitivity by some experts.
> A broad study has found almost all tested households contaminated.
> The thing is that it seems impossible to get rid of a contamination. It
> penetrates into all surfaces, via dust, and by now can´t be removed.
> While it seems accepted that oral intoxication is not accumulative, the
> dust transports the toxic right into your lungs...
> Anyhow, there are enough alternatives to wool products and moth control
> that there´s no reason to take the risk.
> Interesting question would be if the most favorite carpet of wealthy
> eco-builders, tretford, has pyrethroids in it...
> So much for that, yours,
> Alex
> P.S.: I don´t know how far reaches the daisy family, but it´s
> chrysanthemum, and the natural insecticide has the "downside" that it
> disintegrates rapidly...but like I said, the new stuff has not much to do
> with it, it´s completely synthetic.
>> Dunno - I thought pyrethroids were relatively benign (pyrethrin being a
>> "natural insecticide" extracted from a plant in the daisy family which
>> grows in the rift valley of East Africa).
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