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[Strawbale] Updates from The Last Straw

Hello All!

I thought I'd take a few minutes of your time to let you know what's coming
up in the pages of The Last Straw, in the hopes that we can keep increasing
the amount of European coverage in our pages.

Our next issue is #40 (deadline October 1). The theme is "The Red Tape
Issue", and we're looking for articles about dealing and working with the
various bureaucracies that involve themselves in building projects. I'd be
glad for articles about initiatives in your country to have straw bale
recognized by the building codes, and any first hand experiences/advice for
getting plans approved, loans obtained and insurance underwritten. These
can be positive or negative! Also, any advice that you can pass on to
future builders would also make a good article.

Also, with #40 being our tenth anniversary issue, anything you'd like to
contribute that has to do with a decade of bale building (an article on a
ten year old building, a retrospective of your own involvement in sb, a
look into the future at the next ten years, etc) would be appreciated.

For issue #41 (deadline January 1), the theme is "What's the Cost?" The
centrepiece of this article is going to be the publication of several
actual budgets from sb projects, both large and small, frugal and
spendthrift. If you have been involved in a project where the costs were
well documented, and would be open to publishing the figures (this could be
done anonymously), please let me know. Supporting articles would include
cost savings tips, labour issues, fees (an article from a professional
builder or arch/eng on why it pays to pay you well!), new materials, the
cost comparisons of salvaging materials vs. new stuff, and different takes
on "cost" ie, money vs. environment, time vs. money, etc. It would be very
valuable to have some European input on issues of cost!

Also, the mail I get from readers indicates that the project reports are
often the favourite part of TLS. Please keep me up to date with tips, leads
and contacts for interesting projects to feature in the journal. You don't
necessarily have to write the article, but just send me contact information
so that we can show lots of great European examples of sb buildings.

I thank you for your time, input and direction for TLS!




Chris Magwood / Camel's Back Straw Bale Construction