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[Strawbale] Re: Query for Spain SB


It's probably that there are quite a lot persons who are interested in SB-construction in Spain, but we haven't still achived to get them all together. In Spain (or that's really my impression) internet is not used in every home, so it's difficult to get in touch. There are more " no-spanish" people living in Spain that are interested and get in touch than the Spanish themselves. Another problem is, that our English is not so good as needed...but I'll write you some addresses, perhaps they can give you some information.

Rikki Nitzkin (Living now for 6 years in North-Spain and built just this summer her first SB-house)(Speaks English)

e-mail: rnitzkin@hotmail...

Iñaki Urquia ( Arquitect from Pamplona and has build 2 SB-houses here in Spain) (Speaks Spanish)

Maren Termens (Technical Architect and has build one SB- house)(Speaks English)


Tel: 972 62 40 96

Susanne (from Holland living in South- Spain for about 1-2 years and has build there one SB-house)(she speaks English)

Tel: 651723800

>From: "Huff 'n' Puff Constructions" (by way of Catherine Wanek )
>Reply-To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
>To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
>Subject: [Strawbale] GSBN:Re: Query for Spain SB
>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:48:33 +0000
>G' day Balers
>The following request is for SB in Spain if anyone has some
>knowledge please get back to Andrew in 4 days if possible as
>they are leaving Australia:
>Thanks The Straw Wolf
> Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:11:40 -0700
> From:
> "andrew"
> To:
> "john"
> CC:
>Gidday John & Susan,
>I have been very interested in the strawbale concept of
>house building.
>Have read alot of books and have visited various web sites
>containing info etc.
>My wife and I have just sold our workers cottage here in
>Brisbane and are now off to southern Spain to live.
>Our idea over in Spain is to buy realestate (old cortajo's)
>and restore them to re-sell.Our experience here in
>Brisbane of renovating
>has given us alot of ideas and we feel comfortable working
>as a team.
>We also feel there could be an opening for strawbale houses
>given the style of climate that they live in (hot).
>Do you know of anyone that has built straw houses over in
>Spain and how do you feel we would get on with the
>local town hall
>(council) in regards to building approvals and engineering
>My internet access here at home is only on for the next 4
>days and we are flying out on the 19 September so if
>you have any imput
>please feel free to give me a bell.
>Regards,Andrew Tyler
>For instructions on joining, leaving, or otherwise using the GSBN
>list, send email to GSBN@lists....com with HELP in the
>SUBJECT line.

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