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Re: [Strawbale] cold-storage-room

Dear Oliver

A big chalenge, (and maybe not a good idea) to use organic insulation under
thoses extreem circumstances.
How does Maurice plan to cool/heat the space?
What relative humidity does he plan to have?

I don't think it is a good idea for the straw bales to touch the stone wall
because of great condensation risk. IF the SB cold storage works, it would
probably be wiser to only have a sb wall, and no brick at all.

Fungi problems will probably not be seen (because of the low temperature)
until after the cooling season. I'm especially curious what will happen when
summer will heat up the walls that might contain a lot of moisture.

As allways, there is only one way to be sure if it works.... Test it.
Maurice is trying to walk on thin ice, he better be careful....


La Maison en Paille
Association loi 1901

Coralie & André de Bouter
Le Trézidoux
16290 Champmillon
tel: 05 45 66 27 68
Email: m.ep@laposte...

> Hello Martin Oelmann,
> Dear Experts,
> last week I got in contact with Maurice Meyer, organic farmer in Alsace /
> France. He wants to build a potato cold-storage-room out of strawbale
within an
> existing shed.
> Does somebody have experiences? I want to help him with my knowledge - but
> I´m not shure in all details. We came to the argeement that it´s better to
> a timber frame construction so it´s possible to exchange strawbale if
> necessary. To cover his new room, Maurice wants to use wooden plates (OSB)
as a
> ceiling and lay the strawbale upside We also talked about chiken-fence for
> mice-protection.
> The temperature inside the cold-storage will be kept at +4° C from sept
> march. In this regions we have outside temperatures in sept/oct sometimes
> +20° - in jan/feb sometimes till -20° C. There is no extra `machine to
> the humidity` planned (like in other potato-stores with 90-95% humidity)
> there is no direct contact between vegetables and walls because they are
> in crates.
> The existing shed is constructed with concrete ground, steel-posts and
> brick-walls with lime/cement plaster (Allround rain-protected!). The new
> should lay with one side on the external brick-wall. Is it sensible first
> cover the existing brick-wall with a loam/clay plaster of 3-4 cm and build
> then the strawbale as an second, inner wall? I proposed to use several
> of clay plaster with a lime-kasein-paint at both sides of the strawbale to
> avoid the dew-point problem. The clay would regulate the huminidy inside
> potato-store, wont it? Or might it be better to use lime-plaster?.
> We would be glad about your suggestions
> Yours sincerely
> Oliver Heizmann
> Werderstrasse 77a
> 76137 Karlsruhe
> Tel.:0721-68 30 50
> --
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