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Re: [Strawbale] Straw Bale Construction in Thailand

Hej Lars

Jeg ved ikke om det kan bruges, men Alexander Noack, chefingeniøren for
Elsbett, har en thailandsk kæreste, Joy, som har arbejdet for en thailandsk
ngo, og har også arbejdet sammen med Morten Bjarke, som var udstationeret
for OVE i Bangkok vistnok. Hun må have en masse kontakter derude.
Han har alex.noack@t-online...

Mange hilsener Niels Otto

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Keller" <larskeller@livinghouses...>
To: "halm europa" <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: [Strawbale] Straw Bale Construction in Thailand

> Some friends are going to spend time this coming winter in Thailand.
> They are keen on building a small, sustainable, organic home back here in
Denmark in the Future.
> They will appreciate any contacts to organic building sites / projects in
> Please send such info to larskeller@livinghouses...
> Yours sincerely
> Lars Keller
> ~~~
> larskeller@livinghouses...
> mobil (0045) 2024 0505
> Poppelvej 2
> 9940 Læsø
> Danmark
> ~~~
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