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[Strawbale] Warning about 'Nigerian spam'

Dear strawbale friends
Via the old strawbale server strawbale-l@eyfa...
I received the message below. I think more of you must have received it. However it may be, the message below is a variant of 'Nigerian spam': a 'business proposal' coming from Nigeria, South Africa or other African countries, with a view to laundering money which has been earned in e.g. illegal diamond trade. I would urge you simply not to react. If you type the words 'Nigerian spam' in an internet searching machine (e.g. Google), you will find some websites containing more information and warnings about this type of messages.
Sincerely yours,
Bas Roufs
Juridisch en politiek advies voor ethisch en duurzaam ondernemerschap
 Legal and political consultancy for ethical and sustainable business
Consulenza giuridica e politica per l'imprenditoria etica e sostenibile
drs. Bas G. Roufs
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
Nederland, The Netherlands
tel./ fax +31/( 0)30/272.12.26
GSM +31/(0)6/24.606.110
e-mail: viaconsensus@libero...
e mail privé/ privato/ private: bas.roufs@hccnet...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 2:21 PM
Subject: investment proposal

TEL : + 27-83-621-5466
FAX : + 27-73-151-1126

Dear Sir /Madam

With due respect, trust and humidity, I write you this
proposal which I believe would be of great interest to
you. I am MRS.BLESSING KANTE the wife of late MR.
JOSEPH KANTE of blessed memory.

Before forces loyal to Major John Paul Koromah killed
my husband, he was the Director-general of Gold and
Diamond Mining Corporation (G.D.M.C) Sierra Leon. My
husband was one of the main classes of people targeted
by the rebel force. In the course of the revolution.
Two days before his death, he managed to sneak a
written message to us, explaining his condition and
concerning one trunk box of valuables containing money
which he deposited with in a private Security and
Finance Company in South Africa. He instructed me to
take  our two sons and move out of Sierra Leone
immediately to South Africa before the peace Keeping
Force of the Economic of West African States (ECOMOG)
monitoring team intervened to arrest the situation of
mass killing by the rebels, which was the order of the
day. Eventually it resulted into full war. I become a
widow overnight, helpless situation without a partner.
At that moment of calamity, every person was running
for his/her life.

>In the content of the deed he signed with the
Company, he used the name of his son MR.DAVID KANTE as
the next of kin. The real content of the box were not
disclosed to the Security Company due to Security
reasons. Now we as refugees, has very limited
financial rights here, we intend to leave this country
immediately with the whole money for investment in
your country because of the stable political situation
and mostly for the future benefits of my children. We
have since applied for political asylum. The cash
involved inside the box is US$12 million. 

I want you assist us to claim this box from the
Security Company an get the money deposited in a local
account in South Africa in your name and thereafter
you order the bank to transfer the money into private
account in your Country, we shall also source  for
good investment, so that we can invest the money
wisely. We have in mind to established  a rewarding
investment and good relationship with you.

Concerning the money, we are prepared to give you a
reasonable percentage of 20%of the total sum
proceeds. Meanwhile 10% has been mapped out for any
expenses incurred in the course of this transaction
and 70% will be for my family. For the interest of
this business, do not hesitate to contact my son
MR.DAVID KANTE, on the Tel: 27-83-621-5466, Fax :
+27-73-1511-126 immediately you receive this massage
for more information to enable us proceeds in earnest
towards concluding all our arrangements.

No other person knows about this apart from my two
sons and I. We wait for your most urgent response.
Thanks for your co-operation and God bless you.
Best regards,


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