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[Strawbale] Re: (Fwd) Re: Amelia's Strawphanage
From: "Markus Piringer" <markus.piringer@global2000...>
To: "ESBN WG on development co-operation" <esbn-
Subject: (Fwd) Re: Amelia's Strawphanage
Date sent: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:39:19 +0200
Organization: GLOBAL 2000
Send reply to: markus.piringer@GLOBAL2000...
Dear Markus, John and others,
I am going to attend the meeting in Australia myself; and I would
really like to give information and help setting up the project.
As John also knows, we really do need to communicate more,
cause I am also getting people etc. mobilised here in Holland for
this project.
I really would prefer not to take action untill we met and discussed
things. To avoid things going to lead too much of an own life, and
we might end up with two groups of people thinking they work on
this project....
It is so important to be dreamy AND realistic at the same time; and
also working on such thing from great distances is only going to
work (I think) if everyone knows how the process will go; and even
better, if people know eachother.
It's a present/gift that we have the oppurtunity to meet in december;
and luckily we're dealing with an african project; so no need to
rush! , it would only make things run off track.
Looking forward to meet, greetings Jolien
> Dear Friends.
> Below you find the answer of John Glassford concerning any help
> needed for the "Amelia-Project". For those who don´t know: Amelia
> is a woman in South Africa who is taking care of homeless
> children. The project is to build a straw-bale house fore those
> children.
> This project will be on the agenda of the Straw-bale conference in
> Wagga Wagga in Australia. Maybe some of you are planning to
> attend this conference (more info see:
> http://www.csu.edu.au/special/strawbale).
> If you are planning to go there, please let me know. It would be
> great to spread all info concerning Development cooperation
> projects from the ISBBC within this network. - Is there a volunteer?
> Best regards
> Markus
> ------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
> Datum: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 22:48:39 +1000
> Von: Huff 'n' Puff Constructions <huffnpuff@shoal....au>
> An: markus.piringer@GLOBAL2000...
> Betreff: Re: Amelia's Strawphanage
> Dear Markus
> Many thanks for the email and my sincere apologies for not getting
> back to you sooner but we have been away and on my return I have
> a
> huge back log of email. Yours is important so I will answer it first.
> (over 200 to reply to so I am going to be busy for a while).
> Regarding Amelia it seems that I have the job to get this up and
> running and as soon as I get through my back log I will send you
> more
> details on the project. I am hoping to use the International Straw
> Bale Conference 2002 here in Wagga Wagga and Ganmain in
> December this
> year to launch the Strawphanage for Amelia.
> See: http://www.csu.edu.au/special/strawbale
> So your offer of help is a timely one and one that I will take up. I
> have a video of Amelia and her kids sent to me by Datje in South
> Africa. I will need to get some funds to get Amelia to Wagga
> Wagga
> for the ISBBC 2002 and I am trying to get Rotary to get behind the
> fund raising but I need some help with them.
> If you can publicise the ISBBC 2002 amongst your peers and
> network
> that would be a great start. Next we need to find out what sort of
> strawphanage Amelia needs size etc. This I will do. We will need
> to
> then design it to suit Amelia and her 150 orphans. We will then
> need
> to build it and pay for it. So much to do but if I can get enough
> people to the ISBBC 2002 the rest will happen I know.
> I am also working on getting local Aboriginal people to help Amelia
> don't know how but the idea of taking a couple of apprentice
> Wiradjuri
> builders to South Africa to help Mama Amelia build the
> strawphanage
> may work.
> So thanks again for the offer and any ideas you have please do not
> hesitate to pass them by and we will work together with many
> others I
> hope to make Amelia's Strawphanage a reality.
> Kind regards John Glassford
> http://strawbale.archinet.com.au
> 61 2 6927 6027
> ------- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht / End of forwarded
> message -------
> ---------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. Markus Piringer
> Renewable Ressources
> GLOBAL 2000 - FOE-Austria
> Flurschuetzstr. 13, A-1120 Wien
> tel +43-1-812 57 30 / 39
> fax +43-1-812 57 28
> net markus.piringer@global2000...
> url http://www.global2000.at