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[Strawbale] Re: inquiry

Dear Dorottya & Zoltan,

I hear that there are a number of straw-bale projects already in progress in Hungary -- perhaps you can learn close to home.  Also, there is a European network that operates a list-serve, that will connect you to builders and owner/builders.   <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>

I will also cc them, so they may contact you.

If you are interested in getting The Last Straw Journal, the Austrian Straw Bale Network (asbn) is currently organizing to distribute it to their area, and it may be possible to get copies through them. 
Contact Herber Gruber  <d.sign@aon...>

best regards,
Catherine Wanek
The Last Straw Journal

At 02:08 PM 5/27/02 +0200, you wrote:

Dear Last Straw Journal,

We are a young married couple from Hungary, our names are
Dorottya and Zoltan. Bill Steen from the Canelo Project
suggested us that we should address our questions to you.

We would like to build a straw-bale house, but we quite
uncertain how to start. First we thought about
participating one of the courses of the Canelo Project, but
together with the travelling expenses it would be too
expensive for us.

Therefore our request is the following: is it possible for
us to get a complete list of all those who are involved in
Europe with straw-bale building?

Another request: we would like to order the Last Straw
Journal, but we are not sure how to do it from Hungary
(payment etc.). And if it is possible we would like to get
the previous issues as well.

we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards, Dorottya and Zoltan

Best regards,
Catherine Wanek, Publisher

The Last Straw Journal
The International Journal of Straw Bale & Natural Building
HC66, Box 119
Hillsboro, NM 88042
(505) 895-5400 /fax (505) 895-3326