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Re: [strawbale] Help for virus infection (1)

Dear Alice, dear everybody
Also 'Norton Antivirus 2002', my anti virus tool, does not manage to kill the klezmer virus. However, it manages to
'quarantine', i.e. to isolate the problem. This is already sufficient to protect my computer and to prevent the virus from spreading. However, after quarantining the klezmer virus, you can act as follows:
  • run NAV 2002 and go 'reports'.
  • when you are inside 'reports', go to 'quarantined items' (or 'items in quarantine')
  • delete every item which came in 'today' or recently by e-mail: look at the dates of entry.
  • if the 'orinal location' of the virus is a part of 'Windows' or 'programme files', do not delete, but keep it quarantined.
  • go to reports/ quarantined items every time after your weekly update of the virus definitions: the programme will check wether the infected file can be deleted by means of a new anti virus definition.
Mail me if yo have questions.
Bas Roufs.
----- Original Message -----
From: Alice Reite
To: strawbaleorganisation ; Vero Meissinger ; john Furze ; Herbert Gruber ; Arild Berg
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 3:37 PM
Subject: [strawbale] Help for virus infection (1)

Hello everybody.
I am now virusfree again.
I am sorry to tell you that I got virus on my pc, and that all of you probably got it from me. I am sorry but it was nothing I could do about it.
It was one of the aggresive ones - klez h. -that just opens up itself, goes directly into your pc, closes your antivirusprogram and stops you from laying it in again.
It was awfull, agressive and I had to clean the pc at least 8-10 times and laying the antivirus program inn again several times before I succeeded.
But it is help to get: - if you follow the description you get from me here, and open up the next e-mail I send you - with a helper (2) you will get virus free in a short time:
I got help from Schweden from Karin Bostrand, who send me three files to kill the virus.
Two of the files discripes the virus and what it does to your pc and the third one is a virus killer program called kleztool.
Just open up the file and it starts up scanning your pc. In the end it tells you how many infected files you have had, what the program did to them and what you should do then.
I spend a lot of time trying to put in my antivirus program again but I could'n. But then I found out the reason. I got new virus comming in in the meantime.
So I recommand you to do like I ended up with:
1) I did run the kleztool again ( I had several new virusinfections).
2) As soon as I have finished the process I took out the connection to the Internett / modem by taking out the contact.
3) then I put in the anti-virusprogram again ( this time I succeded.
4) I went into Internett and got all the newest updating for the program
5) scanned me pc again for virus before I opened up me e-mail box again.
And this time I had no virus
I wish you all good luck
Regards, Alice