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[Strawbale]the new list

Hello everyone,

A huge big "thank you!" to Jan for letting us have the new list on his
university's computer, hopefully this should stop the problems of viruses
and spam mail.

Just to make it clear, this is the address you should now send messages


and this is the web page you can go to to see the archives, change your
subscription options, etc:


And don't forget your password!!!

If you advertise the list on your web page or wherever, please update it
to the new address as soon as possible. 

If you wish to tell people about the new list, simply direct them to the
webpage, they can read about it there and decide if they want to

And could all you hard-working strawbale magazine-makers out there please
put in a little advertisement for the new list please? Thank you!

Any questions, just send me a message or go to the webpage.


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