[Strawbale] moisture

jonas kacerauskas jonaskacerauskas at gmail...
Wed Apr 6 17:46:57 CEST 2011

Hello Nikolay,
Here in Lithuania 4 years ago we have built straw bale bathhouse (like
sauna, just with alot of moisture - we call it russian sauna), where we use
simple clay plaster about 3 cm. on interior wall and from the incident
water protect with wooden plankets (there is natural ventilation inside). On
exterior we did lime plaster - till now everything works fine. tadelact is
quite expensive way and not needed way to deal with it. As we saw its
enougth just clay plaster to deal with humidity and ussual you need to
protect just several places from the direct water and were are a lot of ways
to do it:)
best regards

2011/4/6 Nikolay Marinov <nikvesmar at gmail...>

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to ask you for advice and share your experience about
> preventing moisture, penetrating into SB walls from bathroom, and other
> spaces with high humidity level.
> What kind of layers and finishes do you prefer to protect your wall if not
> using conventional waterproof materials.
> I know few techniques as: Tadelakt (good water barrier but time consuming);
> Double skin wall with ventilated space between,glass on the wall, but it
> would be nice to share a trusted and working in time method that builders
> and designers like you prefer as solution.
> Thank you in advance for you opinion.
> Have a nice spring sun.
> Niki
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