[Strawbale] Hello everyone!

Amit Kvint amitkvint at gmail...
Wed May 12 12:31:31 CEST 2010

Hi Raquel,

Welcome, your project sounds interesting.

1. Drainage is always a good idea, do you have frost or snow during winter
where you are building ? generally I would say it´s a good practice. saying
that if the bales are really a meter seperated from the ground & you have
some humidity barrier between them and your base, and not expecting snow to
pile up you might be able to save on drainage, or at least plan a drainage
system that is not so strict, but then again, drainage is not such a big
expense & it does help having a dry surrounding which is practical in many
2. Rodents are able to climb where ever thay want! - keep your walls well
rendered, and your roof & foundations well sealed, for a rat or a mouse a
meter walking on a pilar or even a flat wall is not a big problem,
especially if he can nest in these cosy straw bale walls...there are a
3.As for earth roof I couldn´t say as I have no expiriense with that, but be
sure to have a very well dry roof - north of Spain is very wet and you need
good protection

Good luck & regards,

Amit Kvint

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Raquel Alonso <laraqueluca at yahoo....uk>wrote:

>  Hello everyone!!!
> New on this discussion and needing some info.
> Me and my partner are building a straw bale and earth roof pod in Spain
> (north though, very wet) and are building it on chestnut posts about a meter
> from the ground.
> My questions are:
> - Do we still need drainage in the same way that if we were doing it with
> regular foundations?
> - Are mice and other little animals able to get up there and munch on the
> hay bales?
> - With the earth roof, do we worry about ant colonies?
> thank you all.
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