[Strawbale] Euro SB testing/research

Chug. chug at strawbale-building....uk
Wed Apr 11 20:25:01 CEST 2007

Hi Andre

I had a look but I cannot find 'Tests Réalisés' ?

and here is a previous reply I gave on the sprayer.

the sprayer can be hard, messy and noisy work
( mixer and compressor running all day) and you need a strong pair of arms
to hold it up all day, it took a bit of trial and error to get the right air
pressure but once I got into the swing of things it can cover quite an area
in one day (one mixing the lime and sand and one spraying it on the wall)
compared to what two of us could do by hand. But I still prefer to have five
or six people doing it by hand in peace and quiet and having a good chat and
and a laugh whilst doing it although this is not possible on all builds, one
thing it is good for though is covering the annoying loose bits that can be
a chore by hand.

chug at strawbale-building....uk
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <forum at lamaisonenpaille...>
To: "European strawbale building discussions" <strawbale at amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: [Strawbale] Euro SB testing/research

Dear Chug and all,

On our website I have lots of info on SB testing.
click on 'Tests Réalisés' and scroll down a bit. (don't be put off by the
french stuff, there is lots of English stuff as well.)

bye the way, are you happy with your plaster sprayer?

Bale on,

André (France)

> Hi Mark
> Do you have anything Spanish.  I cannot find any approved
> Spanish tests. We can translate.
> Patrick
> Mark said >>>> I have loads of Austrian stuff on my hard
> drive - could send it to you but would take ages.  If you
> can identify the particular documents you are after I can
> have a look.
> [I also have Danish and German stuff.]
> atb
> Mark
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