[Strawbale]Straw House - Italy

Chug. chug at strawbale-building....uk
Sun Dec 5 20:56:44 CET 2004

Hi Luca,

I'm not sure about any feasibility study but there is a SB house being built
in Italy at the moment by Stefano Soldati 40 miles from Venice.

Stefano Soldati
laboa29 at libero...
Tel +39 3355634287
Az. agr. LA BOA
Via Boa, 29
30020 Pramaggiore (VE)

chug at strawbale-building....uk
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gianluca Di Pasquale (ISF-MI)" <GDiPasquale at ingegneriambientali...>
To: <strawbale at amper....muni.cz>
Cc: "James/ Carolina" <planet_caro at hotmail...>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 3:26 PM
Subject: [Strawbale]Straw House - Italy

Hi everyone,

I leave in Italy and I'm interested to make a feasibility study for the
implementation of strawbale house in the south of the country.
That study would take into account regulatory, technical (Environmental,
Climate, Energy efficiency, etc.) and economic constraints/analisys.

I am interested to know whether someone has already done such (or similar)
study in Italy, or if someone has never implemented a strawbale house in
South of Italy.

Thanx a lot,


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