[Strawbale] Fwd: dutch strawbale

simon pieman66 at yahoo...
Fri Jan 31 15:32:38 CET 2003

Martin - you're sending your messages to the strawbale admin (me!), not
to the list...


> From: "Martin Oehlmann" <martin.oehlmann at wxs...>
> To: <strawbale-admin at amper....muni.cz>
> CC: "Han van Drunen" <han.van.drunen at zonnet...>
> Subject: 
> Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:36:43 +0100
> Dear Dutch strawbale newcomers on this list,
> Hab van Drunen (VIBA) is inviting to initiate a straw-bale working
> group for
> those with some professionel interest.
> I guess this gathering will appreciate all who can dedicate time and
> inspiration for further anchoring of sb-constructions in The
> Netherlands.
> De bijeenkomst vindt plaats 13 februari 2003, ’s avonds vanaf 19:00 u,
> bij
> de VIBA, Veemarktkade 8, gebouw B, ’s Hertogenbosch. Tel.: 073 621 69
> 43.
> Op aanvraag heeft Han per email agenda en suggesties voor de
> vergadering ter
> beschikking.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Martin Oehlmann

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