[Strawbale] Fw: [SB] Insurance: separate group.

Chug. chug at strawbale-building....uk
Sat Dec 27 15:33:34 CET 2003

Forwarded post from Bill Christensen

chug at strawbale-building....uk

Hi All,

Here's my holiday gift to the alternative building community:  a new
listserv for discussion (and hopefully some solutions) regarding the
question of insuring our unconventional homes and other buildings.
Without any annoying advertisements, I might add.

To join, send an email to:

        AltHomeIns at lists....com

with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Sign up, let's get talking.

If you don't want to join but want to read what goes on, the list
discussions will be archived at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AltHomeIns/ (open to all).

I'll send an announcement to the lists below.  Please feel free to
post to other alternative home building lists that you participate in.

Cob                     coblist at deatech...
cohousing               cohousing-l at cohousing...
ESSA                    essa at csf....edu
Greenbuilding           GREENBUILDING at LISTSERV...REPP.ORG
Green Bldg Alliance NE  gbane at yahoogroups...
Straw Bale Assn Of Tx   SBAT-1 at yahoogroups...

(and of course, SB-R-Us and Strawbale).

Bill Christensen

Green Building Professionals Directory: http://directory.greenbuilder.com
Sustainable Building Calendar: http://www.greenbuilder.com/calendar/
Green Real Estate: http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/
Straw Bale Registry: http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/
Books/videos/software: http://bookstore.greenbuilder.com/

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