[Strawbale] strawbale building for northern corea

Coralie & Andre de Bouter m.ep at laposte...
Wed Jul 31 14:30:49 CEST 2002

Dear Heinz and Dirk,

In order for anyone on this list to respond to such a request, Heinz will
need to give some more info.

Who and what is his organisation? and is it locally based?
Is the help demanded by the locals?
What type of help is Heinz looking for?
Are there any financial means available?
What is the climate like?
Is straw available?
What are the other (natural?) building materials available?

Check out the Builders Without Borders website to get a good visual document
on SB construction.
Also the Amazon Nails website www.strawbalefutures.com has a good free


La Maison en Paille
Association loi 1901

Coralie & André de Bouter
Le Trézidoux
16290 Champmillon
tel: 05 45 66 27 68
Email: m.ep at laposte...

----- Original Message -----
From: Dirk Scharmer <strawbalehouse at strawbalehouse...>
To: <Strawbale at amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:24 AM
Subject: [Strawbale] strawbale building for northern corea

> Moin bale-builders,
> Heinz Neufeld is asking for help to build strawbale homes with his
> organisation in northern corea.
> Contact him under: heinz.neufeld at web...
> Original Message in german:
> Gibt es jemand, der uns (Hilfsorganisation) gerne helfen würde (wie auch
> immer), in Nord-Korea Strohballenhäuser zu bauen?
> Vielen Dank für die Bereitschaft.
> Grüße
> Heinz Neufeld
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